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Dental health care, Gingivitis what is it and how is it treated

Saturday, Oct. 23rd 2010 10:23 AM

My mom is being told by the dentist she has Gingivitis and needs to have deep cleaning and follow up cleaning like four times a year.  My mom does not speak or understand English well.  Every day talk yes but not this dental stuff.

She does not know what Gingivitis really is.  And why she needs to have so many cleaning on her teeth if Gingivitis has something to do with gums.   Her dental insurance is good but not going to pay for everything she wants to make sure she is not being told a story.

Posted on Saturday, Oct. 23rd 2010 10:23 AM | by admin | in Gingivitis | 2 Comments »

2 Comments on “

Dental health care, Gingivitis what is it and how is it treated

  1. Susan Says:

    For treating of Gingivitis deep cleaning are normally done. You need to get the plaque off that is under the gums. Other wise you can start to have bone loss which can lead to teeth loss.

    They want you to come in more for general cleaning afterword so that they can keep your teeth from building up tartar and plaque again.

    However if your mom start flossing on a daily bases she may not have to go in for four cleaning a year. But no her dentist is not out of line.

  2. Vicky Says:

    What Gingivitis is: Gingivitis an inflammation of the gums and is the initial stage of gum disease. Some of the the symptoms include red or swollen and tender gums that may bleed when you brush.

    In order to prevent Gingivitis you would brush at least twice a day and floss daily. Now however it is very important to clean off all plaque that is on your teeth and under your gums.

    The way a dentist will go about doing that is by doing deep cleanings. I know because I to had Gingivitis. So after the deep cleanings I too was told to come in four time a year for the first year for basic cleanings.

    She really does not want it to turn into gum disease and bone loss. So unless she does not believe she has Gingivitis then she should do as directed by the dentist otherwise get a second dental opinion.

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