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Rhode Island Dental Insurance for Braces, Braces on a 24 year old

Wednesday, Jan. 26th 2011 10:01 AM

Rhode Island Dental Insurance for Braces, Braces on a 24 year old:   I need some good advise on what to do.  I current have dental braces on.  I got them put in when I was twenty.  At the time I had the money but during the course of treatment I had to move to a different state.

I never went back to an orthodontic dentist to finish up my braces.  That was two years ago.  I still have the braces on since I never had them taken off either.   I am not sure what to do I would like to have them removed or at least have a dentist finish treatment.

I called some dental insurance companies that will not help me at all toward the cost of having something done about my braces.   I work but it not like I have allot of extra money right now and I could use some help.  Do you have any dental plans that can help me? I also could use some advise on how to handle my current problem do I just remove the braces or finish the treatment?

Posted on Wednesday, Jan. 26th 2011 10:01 AM | by admin | in Braces | 2 Comments »

2 Comments on “

Rhode Island Dental Insurance for Braces, Braces on a 24 year old

  1. C Jackey Says:

    Well I think if it possible to have a new orthodontic dentist take up what is needed to finish. What a waste of money to just have your braces taken off.

    I would only do that if there was no other choice. I would suggest to you to get a dental discount plan. You may be able to find an orthodontic dentist still willing to give the dental discount even though you are in the middle of treatment. Start making some calls to the dentist in the discount plans network. All they can say is no.

    However you only need one to say yes. A dental discount plan will also provide discounted saving off all your dental needs not just for braces.

  2. Frank Says:

    I agree you should talk to another Orthdontic dentist to see what your options are. It would be good if a dentist can just finish off where you left off. However two years without any adjustments may make that hard.

    If you have to have the braces remove and start over only a dentist could advise you of that. Getting a dental discount plan would save you around 20 to 25 percent so it is worth looking into either way you choose to go.

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