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Cosmetic Dentistry, Multi-Procedure Dental Visits vs One Visit

Friday, May. 27th 2011 6:39 AM

If you are in need of extensive cosmetic dental work, you may start wonder which way is best.  Whether it is better to have the dental work a little at a time in Multi-Procedures or having all the dental work done in one visits.

Some people consider the Multi-Procedure as the best way to go due to cost factors and being able to pay as they get services render.  However here are some factors to also take into account.

1)  In most cases in the long run, it is less expensive to have the cosmetic dental services  done all at once.

2)  With the latest materials and cosmetic dental techniques, healing times are shorter than ever before.  Though there are some procedures often require a short healing period.  Such as:  bone grafting, soft tissue grafting, root canals, and dental implants.

3)  It is easier both physically and psychologically to have the fewest possible visits.   You may also want consider how your dental appointments and necessary healing periods will impact your employment and having time off if needed.  You will have less down time if you receive several procedures at once.

4) while a cosmetic dentist can routinely achieve great outcomes when doing a smile makeover in steps, porcelain restorations are best fabricated in the same “batch” for the most precise color matching

5) Sedation issues.  The more procedures done at once the less amount of time you have to be Sedated.  For many people they do not want to have to be sedated to often.

Either way you choose to have your cosmetic dental work done over time on in the least amount of visits make sure you know and understand the treatment plan the dentist will lay out for you.   If you have questions make sure you ask.  There is no dumb questions when it comes your dental and oral health care.

And keep in mind on we offer dental plans that may be able to save you money on your cosmetic dental needs.


Posted on Friday, May. 27th 2011 6:39 AM | by admin | in Dental Benefit Providers | No Comments »

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