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Archive for the 'Dental Implants' Category

Securing Affordable Dental Implants and Comprehensive Dental Coverage


Question: I have current dental insurance through work. However, the plan does not offer benefits for dental implants, which I want at least three for now, but I may need more in the future. My current insurance will only cover up to 50% of the cost of a bridge and or partial denture. Those options are not ideal, and therefore, I am looking for a way to get affordable dental implants.

I’ve been tirelessly searching for a dental insurance plan covering dental implants, but most either exclude or offer minimal coverage. The cost of these plans often outweighs the benefits, leaving me frustrated and wondering why finding suitable coverage for dental implants is so difficult. I simply can’t afford the cash price for the implants.

Response: It can be challenging to find a dental insurance plan that offers benefits for dental implants for three main reasons. First, dental implant costs are often relatively high, and insurance companies may hesitate to cover such an expensive procedure. Obtaining coverage for dental implants can be challenging because they are usually considered a cosmetic or elective procedure rather than a medical necessity. Finally, if the need for dental implants arises from missing teeth before the insurance coverage begins, it may be challenging to get coverage due to missing teeth exclusions.

Even with insurance plans that offer limited benefits for dental implants, the cost of the procedure remains a significant concern. If, for example, your insurance plan covers 50% of major dental services and has an annual maximum limitation of $2000, just one dental implant costing between $1500 and $3000 would max out your yearly limitation.

It’s important to note that the total cost can vary based on factors such as which tooth is being replaced and the extent of bone loss. In cases where additional services are required, the price for a single implant can rise to $5000 or more. The higher costs mean that not only would you max out your annual limitation, but you might also exceed it, leaving you responsible for covering the difference out of pocket.

This scenario exemplifies why many dental insurance companies do not provide coverage for dental implants. The high cost of the procedure can quickly deplete annual maximums, leaving individuals to shoulder a significant financial burden. Consequently, dental insurance companies may be hesitant to offer coverage for dental implants due to the potential for high costs and limited benefits to insured individuals, a burden I am currently facing.

Finding affordable dental implant options through dental insurance can be challenging. Even a dental insurance plan that offers limited coverage for dental implants can be beneficial, provided you are well informed about the terms and benefits. It’s essential to approach the search for the best cost for dental implants by considering both the dental insurance plans available and the pricing from different dentists. Comparison shopping for the dental insurance plan and the dental service provider can help you make an informed decision. I am determined to evaluate different insurance plans’ coverage benefits and costs while exploring quotes from multiple dentists. This approach can be persuasive in helping you find the most cost-effective option for your dental implant needs.

Exploring Dental Implants: Cost, Insurance Coverage, and Affordable Options

In this post, will delve deeper into dental implants, including their cost, insurance coverage, and tips for finding affordable options. We will explore the challenges of obtaining insurance coverage for dental implants and the reasons behind the limited coverage. We will also provide tips for navigating dental insurance to find the most cost-effective options. Join us as we take a closer look at this critical aspect of dental care and explore the possibilities for obtaining affordable dental implants.

Discover the Life-Changing Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants provide a revolutionary solution for replacing missing teeth. They are titanium posts that surgeons place into the jawbone beneath the gum line, providing a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth that match your natural teeth. Dental implants can help you regain confidence in eating, speaking, and smiling.

Dental implants also help preserve facial structure by preventing bone deterioration from missing teeth. Proper care can last a lifetime, making them a long-term investment in oral health.

If you’re considering dental implants, it’s essential to consult with a qualified dental professional to explore your options and determine if you are a suitable candidate. The benefits of dental implants go beyond just aesthetics; they can improve your overall quality of life.

Understanding the Components and Benefits of Dental Implants: A Comprehensive Guide

Dental implants are an advanced and transformative solution for individuals who have lost a tooth or multiple teeth. The designers designed these medical devices as artificial tooth roots, providing a sturdy and long-lasting foundation for replacement teeth. A complete dental implant system consists of three key components, each crucial in restoring a natural tooth’s functionality and aesthetics.

The implant body, often described as a screw-like device, is the anchor for the entire dental implant system. Surgically inserted into the jawbone to replace the missing tooth’s root, the implant body provides unparalleled stability, allowing for the secure attachment of the abutment and crown.

The abutment is another essential element of the dental implant system, as it connects to the implant body and extends through the gums. This component not only supports the crown but also plays a critical role in maintaining the structural integrity and alignment of the overall implant.

Finally, the crown, an impeccably crafted artificial tooth, is securely attached to the abutment, completing the dental implant system. The crown is designed to resemble and function like a natural tooth. It not only restores the appearance of a complete smile but also empowers individuals to confidently eat, speak, and engage in social activities without constraints.

The profound impact of dental implants extends far beyond their ability to replace missing teeth. These implants preserve facial structure and oral health by preventing bone deterioration, positively impacting overall well-being. Furthermore, with proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime, making them a compelling long-term investment in oral health and overall quality of life.

It is essential to consult with a qualified dental professional to explore the potential of dental implants as a solution for tooth loss. By delving into the details of the implant system and understanding its transformative benefits, individuals can make informed decisions about their oral health and embark on a journey toward restoring a confident, functional, and radiant smile.

Factors Contributing to the Cost of Dental Implants and Their Long-Term Benefits

Dental implants are relatively costly for several reasons, and understanding these factors can shed light on why they are an expensive investment in oral health. Firstly, the materials used in dental implants are of high quality and durability. The titanium posts that serve as the foundation for replacement teeth are designed to last a lifetime, requiring precision engineering and top-grade materials, contributing to the overall cost.

In addition, the process of placing dental implants involves specialized training and expertise. Dental implant surgery is a complex procedure that requires the skill of oral surgeons or periodontists. These professionals have undergone extensive education and training, and their expertise adds to the overall cost of the treatment.

Moreover, dental implants are customized to fit each patient’s unique dental structure and needs. This customization involves detailed planning, diagnostics, and the creation of prosthetic teeth that seamlessly blend with the existing natural teeth. The level of customization and precision required adds to the overall cost of the treatment.

Furthermore, the cost of dental implants also encompasses pre-operative consultations, diagnostic imaging, follow-up appointments, and potential additional procedures such as bone grafting or sinus lifts. These comprehensive services and thorough pre-and post-operative care contribute to the overall investment required for dental implants.

Considering dental implants’ longevity and life-changing benefits, they are a long-term investment in oral health and overall quality of life. While the initial cost may seem substantial, dental implants’ lasting benefits and functionality make them a worthwhile investment.

Cost-Saving Strategies for Affordable Dental Implants

Regarding saving costs on dental implants, several strategies and options can help make this transformative procedure more affordable. While dental implants may initially seem like a significant investment, exploring various avenues to reduce the overall cost potentially is essential, making this life-changing treatment more accessible.

1. Research Affordable Dental Providers: One practical approach to saving on dental implant costs is to research and compare prices among different dental providers. Prices for dental implants can vary significantly from one practice to another, so obtaining quotes from multiple dentists and dental clinics allows you to identify more affordable options without compromising on quality. Look for experienced professionals with positive patient reviews, and don’t hesitate to ask for a breakdown of costs to thoroughly understand what is included in the treatment plan.

2. Explore Dental Tourism: Dental tourism can offer substantial cost savings for individuals seeking dental implants. Many countries provide high-quality dental care at a fraction of the cost compared to the United States, making it an attractive option for those looking to save on expenses. However, it’s essential to thoroughly research and ensure that the overseas dental facility meets international standards and employs qualified professionals. Additionally, consider the potential travel and accommodation costs to determine if dental tourism is viable and cost-effective for you.

3. Inquire About Payment Plans and Financing Options: Many dental practices offer flexible payment plans and financing options to help patients manage the cost of dental implants. Please inquire with your dental provider about payment arrangements that allow you to spread the expense over time, making it more manageable within your budget. Additionally, some dental professionals work with financing companies specializing in healthcare lending, providing patients access to affordable monthly payment plans tailored to their financial circumstances.

4. Consider Dental Schools and Clinical Trials: Dental schools and research institutions often conduct clinical trials and studies related to dental implants. Participating in these trials can provide an opportunity to receive dental implants at a reduced cost or even for free while under the supervision of qualified professionals. Although this option may involve additional considerations and time commitments, it presents a cost-saving avenue for individuals who meet the eligibility criteria.

5. Discuss Treatment Options with Your Dentist: When considering dental implants, having an open and thorough discussion with your dentist about available treatment options is beneficial. Your dental provider may offer alternative solutions or treatment plans that are more cost-effective while still meeting your dental needs. By actively engaging in a dialogue with your dentist, you can gain valuable insights into potential cost-saving strategies specific to your unique dental situation.

By exploring these cost-saving tips and being proactive in obtaining dental implants, you can make this transformative dental procedure more accessible and financially feasible. It’s essential to approach the process with informed decision-making, and by doing so, you can pursue affordable dental implant options that align with your budget and overall oral health goals.

Securing Affordable Dental Insurance and Comprehensive Dental Coverage

In conclusion, finding affordable dental implants through dental insurance can be challenging but not impossible. By thoroughly exploring different insurance plans and comparing costs from various dentists, you can make an informed decision that suits your needs and budget. is here to help you navigate this process. We specialize in selling dental insurance and providing free quotes to ensure you can save money on your overall dental care and health needs. Contact us at 310-534-3444 to explore our options and take the first step toward securing affordable dental implants and comprehensive dental coverage. Let us help you make the best choice for your dental health and financial well-being.

Understanding the Role of Dental Insurance in Dental Implant Benefits


Question: I have been searching online for weeks to find something that can help save me money off dental implants.   Two years ago, I got into a car accident and knocked out all my front teeth, top and bottom.

The accident was deemed my fault; therefore, I received no assistance restoring my teeth, apart from my limited dental insurance plan through my job.   I’m determined to overcome the discomfort of wearing a partial top and bottom as I long for the feeling of natural teeth again.

However, I need 12 implants at around $1000.00 to $1500.00 per tooth. The cost quickly becomes too high for a regular Joe like me. I am far from being considered poor, but I do not have over $ 12,000.00+ lying around.

Any advice would be welcome.  I did not even mind waiting periods as long as I knew I would be covered for the dental Implants I wanted at the end of the waiting period.

Reply: I understand that finding affordable dental implants can be challenging, especially considering your circumstances. One option to explore could be to see if dental schools are in your area. Many dental schools offer discounted rates for procedures, including dental implants, as they are performed by students under the supervision of experienced professionals. This could significantly reduce the cost of your treatment, bringing you one step closer to your goal of natural teeth.

Additionally, there are other avenues to explore. Inquire about financing options with dental implant providers. Some offices offer payment plans to help make the cost more manageable over time. This can provide a sense of security, knowing that you can spread the cost of your treatment over a period that suits you. It’s also worth examining whether charitable organizations or foundations assist individuals needing dental care, offering further reassurance that there are options available to you.

A few dental insurance plans (mostly PPO or Indemnity insurance ) offer limited benefits for implants. With insurance, it becomes about reading the plan’s terms and conditions to determine if implants are excluded benefits or provide some coverage.

Examples of limitations could read as follows:

  • We will not pay for implants (artificial teeth implanted into or on bone or gums), their removal, or other associated procedures. Still, We will credit the cost of a pontic or standard complete or partial denture toward the price of the implant-associated appliance, i.e., the implant-supported crown or denture. The implant appliance is not covered.
  • The initial installation of a prosthodontic appliance and/or implants is not a Benefit unless the prosthodontic appliance and/or implant, bridge, or denture is made necessary by natural, permanent teeth extraction occurring when the Enrollee was under the plan.
  • The initial placement of any prosthodontic appliance or implants, unless such placement is needed to replace one or more natural, permanent teeth extracted while the Enrollee is covered under the plan. The extraction of a third molar (wisdom tooth) will not qualify under the above. Any such denture or fixed bridge must include the replacement of the extracted tooth or teeth.  
  • D6000 – D6199 VIII Implant Services: Implant services are covered by the General Dentist only. Implants are limited to no more than once for the same tooth position in five (5) years. Implants and Implant abutments are limited to no more than two (2) per year.

If you come across limitations or exclusions under a dental insurance plan and need clarification on how it affects you, call member services to confirm. It is crucial to understand what is or is not covered than to guess and guess wrong. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions about your dental health, especially about dental implants, as many dental insurance plans do not offer benefits, and you want to verify this before buying.

Affordable Dental Implants: Making Oral Health Investment Affordable

At, we are dedicated to providing a wide range of dental insurance options to meet your specific needs. Our comprehensive website includes a helpful blog where you can find valuable information on dental insurance and dental health care. Whether you are looking for a free dental insurance quote or seeking to purchase dental insurance, our knowledgeable team is here to assist you. Feel free to call our office at 310-534-3444 for personalized guidance and support in selecting the best dental insurance plan.

This post will delve into dental implants and explore how you can make this significant investment in oral health more affordable with or without dental insurance. We aim to provide informative and persuasive insights to guide you toward finding the best solution for your dental care needs.

Understanding the Cost Factors of Dental Implants

Dental implants serve as a durable and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth. These artificial tooth roots are surgically implanted into the jawbone to provide a stable foundation for supporting individual replacement teeth or dental bridges. This innovative dental procedure not only restores the appearance and functionality of natural teeth but also helps to preserve the jawbone. By integrating seamlessly with the surrounding bone tissue, dental implants offer a secure and comfortable fit, allowing individuals to confidently eat, speak, and smile without concerns about slippage or discomfort. The cost of dental implants can vary for several reasons:

1. The type of implant: Choosing the correct type of dental implant is crucial as various options are available, such as endosteal and subperiosteal implants. The cost of each type can differ significantly based on factors like the materials used, the intricacy of the procedure, and any additional preparatory treatments necessary. Therefore, it’s essential to consult with a dental professional to determine the most suitable type of implant based on individual circumstances and fully understand the associated costs.

2. Location: The cost of dental implants may differ depending on your location. Factors such as geographical location and the standard of living in that area play a crucial role in determining the price of dental implants. For example, dental implants may be higher in urban areas with a higher cost of living than in rural areas with a lower cost of living. It’s essential to consider these location-based variations when planning for dental implant procedures.

3. Additional procedures: In some instances, supplementary procedures like bone grafting or sinus lifts might be necessary before the placement of implants. These additional steps ensure the jawbone is strong and healthy enough to support the implants. However, it’s important to note that these extra procedures can increase the overall cost of dental implant treatment.

4. Dentist’s experience: The skill and experience of the dentist or oral surgeon conducting the procedure is a crucial factor influencing the cost. A highly skilled professional with extensive experience in the specific procedure may charge a higher fee for their expertise. Conversely, a less experienced practitioner might offer a lower cost but may not provide the same level of skill and expertise. Therefore, when considering the price of a dental procedure, it’s essential to consider the dentist’s experience and credentials.

5. Materials used: The choice of materials for dental implants plays a significant role in determining their overall cost. High-quality materials, such as titanium or zirconia, are often associated with higher costs due to their durability and biocompatibility. Conversely, lower-cost options may be available but might not offer the same longevity or aesthetic appeal. Discussing the available materials with your dentist is essential to find the option that best aligns with your needs and budget.

When considering dental implants, scheduling a consultation with a qualified dentist or oral surgeon is crucial. They can provide personalized insights into the various factors that influence the overall cost of dental implants for your specific case. By seeking professional guidance, you can understand the treatment plan, the materials used, any additional procedures required, and potential insurance coverage, ensuring that you are well informed about the financial aspects of the treatment and can make decisions that align with your budget and oral health goals.

Dental Insurance for Dental Implants.

Regarding dental insurance plans, it’s essential to understand that coverage for dental implants can vary significantly. While some dental insurance plans offer limited benefits for dental implants, many others exclude coverage for these procedures altogether. The reason behind this discrepancy often stems from the high-cost factors associated with dental implants, making it difficult for insurance providers to offer comprehensive coverage.

Dental insurance plans that do provide benefits for dental implants usually fall under PPO or Indemnity insurance categories. However, it’s crucial to note that the extent of coverage for implants is typically limited. This means that individuals seeking dental implant procedures would need to carefully review the terms and conditions of their insurance plan to determine the extent of coverage available.

On the other hand, numerous dental insurance plans explicitly exclude coverage for dental implants due to the high cost of the procedure. Insurance providers may deem dental implants elective or cosmetic procedures, making them ineligible for coverage under standard dental insurance plans.

It’s essential to recognize that excluding dental implant coverage from many insurance plans can pose financial challenges for individuals needing such dental procedures. The high out-of-pocket costs associated with dental implants can create barriers to accessing essential dental care, particularly for individuals who have experienced traumatic dental injuries or severe dental issues.

Consequently, individuals may need to explore alternative options for managing the cost of dental implant procedures. Other alternatives include seeking financial assistance through financing options offered by dental implant providers or exploring discounted rates for procedures at dental schools, where supervised students perform treatments at reduced costs.

Despite the challenges posed by limited coverage for dental implants under standard dental insurance plans, individuals need to remain informed and proactive in seeking viable solutions for their dental care needs. By understanding the complexities of dental insurance coverage and exploring alternative avenues for affordable dental implant procedures, individuals can effectively make informed decisions to address their oral health needs.

Dental School May be an Option for Dental Implants

When considering affordable options for dental implants, exploring the possibility of receiving treatment at a dental school in your area can be a worthwhile avenue to pursue. Many dental schools offer discounted rates for procedures, including dental implants. Students typically perform these procedures under the close supervision of experienced professionals, providing an opportunity to receive quality care at a reduced cost.

One of the key benefits of seeking treatment at a dental school is the opportunity to benefit from the expertise of aspiring dental professionals and their experienced mentors. The supervision of procedures by seasoned professionals ensures that patients receive thorough and diligent care and the added security of oversight throughout the treatment process.

It’s important to note that the specific services offered and the availability of treatment at dental schools may vary based on each institution’s curriculum and educational focus. For instance, some dental schools may prioritize specific procedures over others based on their academic objectives, which could impact the speed at which you may be able to receive treatment. However, for individuals seeking affordable dental implant options, exploring the potential for treatment at a dental school can be a strategic and cost-effective approach to restoring oral health.

Using a Credit Card May be an Option for Dental Implants

When considering dental implant financing options, it’s essential to inquire about available opportunities with dental implant providers. Some providers may offer monthly payment plans that can help you manage the costs of dental implants over time, making the financial burden more manageable.

Additionally, exploring dedicated medical credit cards such as CareCredit can be viable. These credit cards are specifically designed for medical and dental services, including dental implants. It’s essential to compare interest rates and terms across different credit card options to determine the most suitable choice for your financial situation.

While using a credit card to finance dental implants may result in paying more in interest over time, it allows you to receive the essential dental treatment while spreading the cost into affordable monthly payments.

By exploring these financing options, you can take a step closer to achieving the dental care you need without facing significant financial strain.

Dental Discount Plan May be an Option for Dental Implants

Are you considering dental implants but worried about the cost? offers dental insurance and dental discount plans to help you save on dental care expenses. A dental discount plan can be a viable option for reducing the cost of dental implants, with average savings of around 20% or more. By choosing a dental discount plan, you can make significant strides toward achieving your goal of natural teeth at a reduced cost.

It’s important to note that a dental discount plan is only valid with providers in the plan network. Before purchasing a discount plan, confirming that dental providers within the network offer dental implant services is crucial. While a discount plan can provide substantial savings, there’s no guarantee that a provider in the network will offer every service or procedure you require. Therefore, it’s essential to thoroughly explore and understand the plan’s details and confirm the plan providers and what services they offer before deciding.

With, you can explore various dental insurance and discount plan options, gaining valuable insights to help you make informed choices about your dental care. Our knowledgeable team is dedicated to providing personalized guidance and support to assist you in selecting the best plan to meet your specific dental care needs. Whether you are seeking a dental insurance quote or looking for ways to make dental implants more affordable, we’re here to help you.

At, we are committed to providing a comprehensive range of resources to help you navigate the world of dental insurance and dental care. We aim to offer informative and persuasive insights to guide you toward finding the best solution for your dental care needs, whether through dental insurance, discount plans, or other cost-saving options. Contact our office at 310-534-3444 for expert assistance in making your oral health investment more affordable.

Dental Benefit, Looking for cosmetic services benefits


Question: I need to have two dental implants and would like to have my teeth whiten.  Although I do have dental insurance I was told they do not cover for cosmetic which they are saying the implants are since I do not want the cheaper choice of a bridge.  Also they do not cover for any teeth whiten treatments.  My dentist told me it can be hard to find dental insurance that will cover the very dental services I am wanting.  I am really upset and I am hoping someone will have some suggestions for me.

Answer: Your dentist is correct that many dental insurance plans do not provide dental benefits for implants (mostly because of cost of implants are just too high) and other cosmetic dental services such as whitening.

There are dental discount plans that will save you around 15-20 percent off the cost of these types of services. However, you need to go to dentist that are within the dental discount plans network of providers. Dentist that will normally do these type of dental services are not easy to find within a dental discount plan but it still worth looking into.

You may also want to call your current dental insurance company up to see if they have a cosmetic rider that they can offer you that will cover these types of dental care services. That too is worth checking into if it can be offered.

Posted on 03/02/16 | by admin | in Dental Implants | No Comments »

Connecticut dental insurance benefits for dental implants.


Connecticut dental insurance benefits for dental implants.  Please help and advise.  Due to an auto accident that I had three months ago I knocked out four of my front top teeth that could not be saved.Since the accident was determined my fault (which to me was not) I am stuck without any care for my teeth. 

My current dental insurance is covering me for a bridge but not implants. Since I do not want a big gap in my teeth I am getting a bridge until I can afford to get dental implants. What I would like to know is do you have any dental plans that can help me with the cost of  dental implants.  Thanks.

Posted on 02/06/11 | by admin | in Dental Implants | 2 Comments »

Dental health care, what is the process for getting dental implants


Knowing that I need a few teeth pulled I can either get a partial or implants.   I am think more toward implants but do not really know much abou then other then you are not taking off and they look just like real teeth.

That just sound way better the fake teeth.   Are there any dental insurance or plan that will help me to get dental implants?  I asked mine and found out they really do not cover much for partials let alone implants.  Oh and  what type of dentist does implants so I can start shopping them out.

Posted on 11/08/10 | by admin | in Dental Implants | No Comments »

Dental care, Are dental schools cheaper than a private practice?


I really need about two dental implants.  I have little money and I am told that my dental insurance will not cover for implants.   I got a free quote at a  dental office that it would run me around $2000.00 or more just for two implants to be done.   Would it be much cheaper if I go to a dental school for this work to be done?

Posted on 10/24/10 | by admin | in Dental Implants | 3 Comments »

What type of dental plan do I need to get help on dental Implants


I have been searching for weeks now  on line in order to find something that can help save me money off of dental implants.   Two years ago I got into a car accident and knocked out all my front teeth top and bottoms.

Since the accident was determined to be my fault I got no help with fixing my teeth beyond my limited dental insurance plan I got though work.   I hate wearing partial top and bottom and just want to have real teeth again.

However at around a 1000.00 or more per tooth and I need 11 you can see where the cost is just too high for a regular Joe Smoe like me.    I mean I am far from being consider poor but I do not have over $11000.00 just lying  around either.

Any advise would be welcome.  I do not even mind waiting periods as long as I knew I would be covered at the end of the waiting period for the dental Implants I want.

Posted on 09/06/10 | by admin | in Dental Implants | No Comments »

Dental insurance, Why is it so hard to find a good dental insurance plan


I just want a low cost dental plan that will really make a big cost difference at the dentist.  I have need of four filling and a crown.  I know this is a lot of dental work all at once but I will be keeping the dental insurance plan even after the work is done.   At that point I would guess I would not be using it all that much and they can make back their money.

Why do I have to pay so much money for dental insurance yet they are going to make me wait out waiting periods of 6 months to a year for the very dental services I need?   This does not make sense to me.  I need a good dental plan that will not do that.

Posted on 08/05/10 | by admin | in Dental Help, Dental Implants, Dental Plans | No Comments »

Individual Dental Insurance, reviewing the Golden West dental plan


I was reviewing your Golden West dental plan.  I do not have dental insurance right now and I live in California.  My questions are under the Golden West dental plan can I go outside their dental network or providers?

Also can I have the plan for my son and I and get the couple rate or since my son is 20 but not a full time student to I have to buy two individual plans.  Not to clear on that  please advise.  Thanks.

Review the Golden West dental insurance plans – click here!

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Posted on 07/22/10 | by admin | in Dental Help, Dental Implants | 7 Comments »

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This site does not provide medical or dental care advice It is simply a forum in which consumers can voice their opinions, views, and experiences in an effort to help others with similar problems and situations. Please be sure you consult your doctor first!