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Dental Benefit – What Is An Abscessed Tooth?


An abscess is a painful infection at the tooth’s root or sometimes between the gum and the tooth. You can get an abscessed tooth due to untreated tooth decay. However, you can also get abscessed if you have trauma to your teeth, such as breaking or chipping your tooth, gum disease, or gingivitis. If you have an abscessed tooth, you must see your dentist immediately. The abscess or infection may spread from the tooth root to the bone, causing a significant oral health issue.

Treatment of an Abscessed Tooth

The treatment for an abscessed tooth depends on the severity of the infection. Your dentist may need to drain the abscess and prescribe antibiotics to eliminate the infection. In severe cases, a root canal may be necessary to remove the infected tissue and save the tooth. Sometimes, the tooth may need to be extracted if it cannot be saved. It’s essential to seek immediate treatment for an abscessed tooth to prevent further complications and protect your oral health.

Posted on 04/25/24 | by Kris Harris | in Dental Benefits, Dental Insurance | No Comments »

Flossing is one of the easiest things you can do for good dental health.


It may seem hard to believe, but many people do not floss, let alone floss daily. Yet flossing is even more critical than brushing when preventing gum disease, gingivitis, and tooth loss. Flossing your teeth is not so much about removing food bits that are between your gums, though it does do that. Flossing is more about removing dental plaque. Dental plaque is what causes tooth decay, gingivitis, and gum disease. Flossing every day between each tooth is an effective way to remove plaque and provide good oral health. 

Here are some tips to help you floss effectively:

1. Use about 18 inches of floss, winding most of it around your middle fingers and holding the rest between your thumbs and index fingers.

2. Gently insert the floss between your teeth, using a back-and-forth motion.

3. Curve the floss into a C-shape around the base of each tooth and gently slide it beneath the gumline.

4. Use a clean section of floss for each tooth, and be sure to use a fresh section for the upper and lower teeth.

5. Remember to floss behind your back teeth.

6. Be gentle and take your time to avoid injuring your gums.

By following these tips, you can help keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Posted on 04/23/24 | by Kris Harris | in Dental Benefits, Dental Insurance | No Comments »

Benefits of California PPO Dental Insurance Plans and Staying with Your Current Dentist. – Dental Benefits


Do you have a dentist that you trust and like going to? One main reason why people do not visit a dentist regularly is that they do not trust their dentist, or they feel their dentist is overpriced, but they worry about seeing a different dentist. With PPO dental insurance, you can stay with your current dentist. Many people wish to be able to keep their current dentist, and changing is not an option. Yet even if your dentist is not a provider of a PPO plan, most PPO dental insurance plans do provide benefits for non-network providers. And because PPO dental insurance plans help you to keep your dental care cost more affordable, you are more likely to visit your dentist as advised.

In short, PPO lets you choose your dentist or choose a new dentist, whether they’re in-network or not.

That’s correct! PPO dental insurance plans allow you to choose your dentist, whether they are in-network or not. Giving you the flexibility to stick with your current dentist or choose a new one without worrying about network restrictions. Even if your preferred dentist is not a provider of the PPO plan, most PPO dental insurance plans still provide benefits for non-network providers. This means you can continue receiving dental care while keeping your costs more affordable.

Posted on 01/09/24 | by admin | in Dental Benefits, Dental Insurance | No Comments »

Dental Benefit – Dental Cavities


Preschoolers With a Mouthful of Cavities.

In Washington, a two-and-a-half-year-old had to undergo dental surgery after dental x-rays showed that 11 of his 20 baby teeth had cavities. The pediatric dentist extracted two incisors, performed a root canal on a molar, and gave the rest fillings and crowns. The child’s parents did not even worry about brushing their child’s teeth until they noticed his teeth were discolored. They stated they had too much to consider than brushing his teeth at night. It is not as uncommon as you may first think.

According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they noted an increase, the first in 40 years, in the number of preschoolers with cavities in a study five years ago. Dentists nationwide say they see more preschoolers at all income levels with 6 to 10 cavities or more. The level of decay is so severe that they often recommend using general anesthesia because young children are unlikely to sit through such extensive procedures while awake.

Posted on 01/05/24 | by carol | in Dental Benefits | No Comments »

Dental Benefit – Flavored Toothpaste


There are benefits of flavored toothpaste for kids. If your child is fussy about brushing their teeth, it can be that they need to care for the taste of the toothpaste in use. Kid-friendly toothpaste may make your child want to brush longer. Colgate has Colgate Kids in strawberry as well as watermelon flavors. Crest toothpaste offers a bubblegum flavor. Other toothpaste tastes like ice cream. These flavors of toothpaste may make brushing their teeth much more manageable. However, remember that, like any other toothpaste, they are to be kept out of reach of small children and used only for brushing their teeth and not for eating.

Posted on 01/03/24 | by carol | in Dental Benefits | No Comments »

Dental Benefits – New Year


Here’s to a bright New Year and a farewell to the old; here’s to the things yet to come and to the memories we hold. We wish you a happy, healthy New Year. May the New Year bless you with health, wealth, and happiness.

Posted on 01/01/24 | by carol | in Dental Benefits | No Comments »

Dental Benefit – Over Beaching


Too Much Beaching Your Teeth May Harm Your Health.

It is never good to do anything in excess. When it comes to whitening your teeth, the dentist warns that over-bleaching your teeth could harm your health. Dental health professionals have coined the term Bleachorexia to describe a person with an addictive obsession with bleaching their teeth to the point that it’s affecting their dental health. Correctly beaching your teeth can provide you with the smile you want. However, overuse of over-the-counter whitening products can damage your oral health. Excessively bleaching your teeth can cause them to get translucent, making them look even less white. Other risks of obsessive bleaching include hypersensitivity (making your teeth more sensitive), Oral Irritation, and tooth enamel erosion.

Posted on 12/31/23 | by carol | in Dental Benefits | No Comments »

Dental Benefit – Dental Abscess


What is Dental Abscess?

A dental abscess begins as a tooth infection or cavity and can become a mouth, face, jaw, or throat condition if left untreated. Bacteria from tooth decay can extend into the gums, cheek, and throat, beneath the tongue, or even into the jaw or facial bones. Periodontal abscesses result from an infection that has moved deeper into gum areas, and a periapical abscess refers to a tooth with an infection of the pulp. With a dental abscess, you may notice pus collecting at the infected site. Usually the condition will become more painful until the abscess either ruptures and drains on its own or is drained surgically. Dental abscesses can also make you generally ill, with nausea, vomiting, fevers, chills, and sweats. Anyone who thinks they may have a dental abscess should immediately see a dentist.

Posted on 12/28/23 | by carol | in Dental Benefits | No Comments »

Dental Benefit – Teeth Whitening Kits


Whitening with Over Counter Teeth-Whitening Kits.

Many over-the-counter teeth whitening products are available. Teeth whitening strips are what some dentists will advise if you are going to whiten your teeth at home since you are less likely to swallow bleach or damage your gums with those types of whitening products. Over-the-counter whitening products are usually the least expensive teeth whitening option; however, a downside is the bleaching solution used in over-the-counter products may be too mild to yield dramatic results or to whiten severely stained teeth.

Posted on 12/26/23 | by carol | in Dental Benefits | No Comments »

Dental Benefit – Sealants


What is Dental Sealant?

Dental sealants are protective coatings made up of tinted or transparent plastic. Sealants are applied to the chewing areas of the back teeth, where the possibility of cavity formation is higher than in other regions of the teeth. Sealants are used on children’s teeth to prevent cavities at an early age. They are effective in function and affordable and are normally covered by dental insurance as a preventive treatment. Dental sealants cost much less than the amount spent on filling due to cavities.

Posted on 12/22/23 | by carol | in Dental Benefits | No Comments »

Dental Benefit – Hot Tea Risks


Hot Tea May Increase the Risk of Throat Cancer.

According to studies done in Britain, drinking scalding tea every day may increase your chance of getting throat cancer. Another study in Iran, which reportedly has the most significant number of oesophageal cancer patients, shows research results on 871 people. It was noticed that around 300 people who drank more than a liter of extremely hot black tea in a day were diagnosed with cancer. The study showed that this group had the habit of drinking hot tea above 65 degrees, putting them in the high-risk zone compared to the others who preferred warm tea below 65 degrees. It was also noticed that those who drank hotter tea, above 70 degrees, bettered their chances of acquiring throat cancer.

Posted on 12/20/23 | by carol | in Dental Benefits | No Comments »

Dental Benefit – Laser Teeth Whitening


Generally, you will have three 20-minute treatments when laser whitening your teeth. With laser teeth whitening treatments, you can walk out of the dental office with your teeth a lot brighter. Laser bleaching puts a barrier around the gums, and strong bleach is placed on your teeth. A laser light activates the bleach to make it work. A downside of laser teeth whitening treatments can be the cost since laser whitening is the most expensive of the teeth-whitening options available.

Posted on 12/18/23 | by carol | in Dental Benefits | No Comments »

Dental Benefit – TMJ


Understanding Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.

TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorders, are often poorly understood by many sufferers. However, failure to fully understand TMJ can prevent people from receiving proper diagnosis and care. TMJ is a disorder that can affect the appropriate alignment of your jaw. Even though millions of Americans currently suffer from TMJ, it remains a commonly undiagnosed disorder because the symptoms of TMJ can be similar to other conditions.

In some cases, the symptoms of TMJ may seem entirely unrelated to the jaw joint. There can be several signs of TMJ within the jaw, such as clicking noises when you chew, lockjaw, and tenderness around the cheeks and jaw. TMJ may also have symptoms including Pressure behind the eyes, Ear ringing or vertigo, Frequent migraine, tension, or sinus headaches, Neck aches, and Postural problems. Frequently, TMJ is diagnosed during your biannual cleanings and examinations with your dentist.

Posted on 12/16/23 | by carol | in Dental Benefits | No Comments »

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