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Dental Benefit, Dental Insurance for Braces

Tuesday, Jan. 26th 2016 6:09 AM

I am 24 years old and looking to have braces.  My questions is two parts.  First part would be since I do not have dental insurance is it late for me to pick up some dental insurance for my braces?  I would really like to have some dental insurance in order to help me with the cost of braces.

My second issues is,  I am worried that at 24 I may look silly having braces.  Does dental insurance only cover metal braces?  My dentist told me normally metal braces are the only type of braces insurance companies will cover out on.  Is that true?

Reply:  No it is not to late to pick up dental insurance or a dental plan for your braces as long as you do not start any work prior to buying the dental plan. Many plans such as HMO will provider adult braces but it is true that normally the benefits provided for braces are only the basic metal type and not something like invisaligns. PPO plans that offer coverages for braces may only do so for child under the age of 19 if adult braces are provided they they to can be limited in coverage’s so make sure you read the plans terms and conditions.

To answer your age question, you are not too old for any type of braces. People are getting braces at a much older age then 24 so do not let that be a deciding factor for you.
Take a moment to review the several dental insurance and plan options we provide and if you have any questions please call our member services at 310-534-3444 as they will be happy to help you.

Posted on Tuesday, Jan. 26th 2016 6:09 AM | by admin | in Dental Benefit Providers | No Comments »

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