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The Benefits of Having Dental Insurance

Saturday, Apr. 9th 2016 10:16 AM

Many people may feel that there are no real benefits to having dental insurance if they have good teeth and are only having twice a year check up and cleaning’s.  Stating that the cost of insurance out outweighs the cost of dental care. That can be true depending on the type of dental insurance plan,  if one is only talking about preventive care.  A PPO plan costing around $35-$65 a month for an individual could outweighs the cost of just having preventive care services.  However what happens when you wake up and one day and need a filling, crown or root canal?  What happens when you find out you may have good teeth but you also have gum disease?   Cost for dental care beyond preventive can quickly escalate, then what?

One dose not buy Auto insurance hoping to get into and accident so they can get their money worth out of the plan. With dental PPO plans, though many plans do provide free to low cost preventive care services, they are designed to be long term plans to help pay for larger future dental care needs.  A PPO plan may not be the best fit for a person that has healthy teeth and gums and only wants to maintain preventive care.

If that is the case, then try reviewing dental HMO insurance plan instead.  These are normally low cost plans ranging around $7-$20 a month for an individual.  These types of plans normally do not have waiting periods, maximum limitations or deductibles much like many PPO plans.  For an individual’s that only wants preventive dental care services this type of dental insurance not only provides you preventive care at little to no cost to you but also helps you save money on larger care dental needs without waiting periods. There by maximizing your savings with regards to the plan cost and dental care services.

Posted on Saturday, Apr. 9th 2016 10:16 AM | by admin | in Dental Benefit Providers | No Comments »

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