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Dental Benefit, What Are Dental Fillings

Thursday, Apr. 20th 2017 10:05 AM

What Are Dental Fillings – Do I Really Need Them

Fillings are also used to repair cracked or broken teeth and teeth that have been worn down from misuse (such as from nail-biting or tooth grinding ). Materials that may be used in dental fillings include dental amalgam, composite resin, glass ionomers, gold, and ceramic.

Filling of teeth with cavities are also called tooth restorations. Fillings should be replaced only if the restoration is defective or worn. Materials that may be used in dental fillings include dental amalgam, composite resin, glass ionomers, gold, and ceramic. Fillings are also used to repair cracked or broken teeth and teeth that have been worn down from misuse. Fillings have a finite lifespan: an average of 12.

Fillings are recommended for small to medium sized restorations.  Filling of teeth with cavities are also called tooth restorations.  Fillings also can leak as a result of wear over time. Fillings need to be maintained like normal teeth by brushing twice daily for at least two minutes at a time using fluoride-containing toothpaste.

Fillings also can leak as a result of wear over time.  Fillings made with amalgam also are known as silver fillings.  Fillings are made to last as long as possible, but they still only last for so long.  Fillings, however, are prone to failure, often need replacing, look ugly and can be painful to install.

Composite fillings are usually more expensive than traditional amalgam fillings because they require a more sophisticated process, more expensive materials and additional office equipment.  As such, people who have previously received amalgam fillings often return to their dentist to have them replaced with composite fillings.

Tooth sensitivity, pain and allergic reactions to silver (amalgam) fillings from a metal allergy are common complications.  The advent of new materials for fillings has been beneficial, especially in terms of aesthetics, but does not eliminate the appropriateness of traditional dental materials that are stronger, more durable and less expensive.

Many dentists consider amalgam stronger than the resin-based composite, and therefore use amalgam for back teeth fillings.  Gold fillings are well tolerated by sensitive patients and are resistant to corrosion, tarnishing, and wear and tear but are among the most expensive filling materials.

Posted on Thursday, Apr. 20th 2017 10:05 AM | by admin | in Dental Benefit Providers | No Comments »

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