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Dental Benefits, Understanding what a root canal is

Sunday, Aug. 15th 2010 4:05 PM

What Is A Root Canal – Here Is An Easy Explanation

Root canals are a part of dentistry called endodontics, which is concerned with the pathology of dental pulp and the area surrounding the root.  The root canals travel from the tip of the tooth’s root into the pulp chamber, which also contains blood vessels and connective tissue that nourish the tooth.  The percentage of success in root canals is in the high nineties, so when you have a root cancel on your tooth, you can be pretty sure that this root canal is going to work.

If your root canal is performed by an endodontist; a dentist that specializes in root canals, he will place a temporary restoration and send you back to your general dentist for the restoration.  Very small instruments are used to clean the pulp from the pulp chamber and root canals and to shape the space for filling.  The topic, root canals and the problem with bacteria that get trapped inside the microtubules of the tooth, of an infected tooth, can migrate throughout the body, they can infect an organ, gland or tissue, they can damage the heart, kidneys, joints, eyes, brain.

The tooth’s nerve lies within root canals, which lie within the roots or “legs” of the tooth.  The root canals travel from the tip of the tooth’s root into the pulp chamber, which also contains blood vessels and connective tissue that nourish the tooth.  The idea that root canals pose a risk to general health comes from research suggesting that bacteria and viruses left behind at the tip of the root canal might persist and multiply in the space around the tooth.

It is a good idea to have dental insurance in place prior to having a root canal done.   Since root canal are normally costly.  If  a crown is needed  you would then have the added expense of the crown.

Posted on Sunday, Aug. 15th 2010 4:05 PM | by carol | in Dental Benefits, Root Canal | No Comments »

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