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Georgia Dental Health Care, Dental filing fell out.

Saturday, Jan. 29th 2011 8:27 AM

Georgia Dental Health Care, Dental filing fell out.  My fiances filling fell out yesterday.  He has dental insurance but the dentist that he has to go to is only open during business hours.  In which case my fiance will not call out sick to work to get a new filling put in.

Since he has only had the job for three months he thinks it too soon to be taking days off from work. I understand but I do not think it is a good to not have his tooth fixed right away.  How long can he wait on fixing his filling any advise on getting him to go?

Posted on Saturday, Jan. 29th 2011 8:27 AM | by admin | in Filings | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “

Georgia Dental Health Care, Dental filing fell out.

  1. Nance Says:

    Since when does a person need to take a day off to get a filling done. Filling only take around 30 or so mintues to do. Unless there is more to be done then to refill the cavity he sould be in and out.

    Have him book an appointment during his lunch time if that is no good, see about asking for only a few hours off. Bosses do not mind you taking a few hours off from work if it is for something like thist and and shows he not trying to ask for the whole day of for a simple filling.

  2. Engin Says:

    If he can have him go to a different dentist. One that is open during the time he is off from work or not working. It is silly for him to stay with a dentist he can not use because of office hours.

    Puting of dental care is never a good idea since problems that are put off only tend to get worse in the end.

  3. Kramer Says:

    Sound like to me he need a new dentist. Anyway I would not put it off for long. Right now you think he only needs to have a new filling.

    However he has an open hole in his tooth which means it is open to decay or brakage if he is not careful. Which is a fast way to turn a filling into a root canal and crown.

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