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Help my halitosis is out of control, need advise.

Friday, Sep. 10th 2010 2:33 PM

I am only seventeen yet I have very bad breath.  It’s been so bad that my doctor told me it is called  halitosis.  Which is just really bad breath so far as I can figure out.  My doctor  ruled out any medical reason for my breath to stink so bad and I was told just to brush better.

I do brush sometimes up to four times a day.  I floss every morning before school.   I always have mints in my mouth just so it is not to bad. Yet time and time again I am told by my boyfriend or a friend that my breath stinks.  I could really use some advise.

Posted on Friday, Sep. 10th 2010 2:33 PM | by admin | in Dental Benefits | 4 Comments »

4 Comments on “

Help my halitosis is out of control, need advise.

  1. Cindy Says:

    You have the same problem that many people do when it comes to having bad breath. If your doctor ruled out any health issues for your bad breath then it may just be a diet issue.

    You do not need to be eating onions to have bad breath just foods that may not be agreeing with you. Eggs,cheese, coffee and even milk, can be a problem for many people. That could be your breakfast and bad morning breath issues.

    Trying to change some of your eating habits and see if that makes any difference. If you eat foods and they upset your tummy, gasses will want to come out one way or another.

  2. David Says:

    Try checking with your dentist even though you are brushing and flossing it is still a good idea to check and make sure you do not have any cavities or gum issues since they are some of the reasons why you may have bad breath.

    Another thing is try brushing your tongue if you are not already. You tongue can hold onto germs and bacteria that can cause you to have bad breath.

  3. Eve Says:

    Check to see if you have Tonsilloliths or otherwise refer to as Tonsil Stones. Tonsil Stones looks much like a bit of cottage cheese, however they do smells foul and taste terrible.

    Tonsil Stones normally are behind or around your tonsils. It is normal for people to have though you may be getting more then most people.

    You get tonsil stones by bits of food that gets caught in pockets that are behind or around you tonsils. Over time they start to decay and get coated over making them smooth white chucks. Much like what happens to a pearl only not as pretty.

    Easy way to help get rid of them. Chew your food and eat slower and drink water while eating helping everything to wash down better. Also do not just put mouthwash in your mouth and swish it around. However do gargle. Gargling will help loosen this food bits so that they do not turn into tonsil stones.

    I hope this will help you

  4. Patt Says:

    I can tell you that when my breath gets bad it is because of my sinus acting up. I know you said that you went to the doctor but sinus sometimes get over looked.

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