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Dental Insurance Benefits, in Multiple States

Sunday, Sep. 26th 2010 8:28 AM

I am looking for an Individual dental insurance plan that would be available in multiple states.  I am a driver and I am in many different states.  I would like a plan that I would be able to use regardless of where in the US I am be in at the time.   Since I am all over the place it not about staying wih one dentist other wise I would just get a plan where I live.  Is there anything that would fit my need.

Posted on Sunday, Sep. 26th 2010 8:28 AM | by admin | in Dental Insurance | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “

Dental Insurance Benefits, in Multiple States

  1. Benson Jeffys Says:

    Insurance that will let you use in in every state may be hard. Some will only let you use it in the state you are in because you have to pick a dentist in the network. Where others may let you choose your own dentist but may not be in every state.

    Your best bet may be a dental discount plan like Careington that is in every state. However then it would be a matter of whether or not there are provider in the area you are in at the time.

  2. Kay Belson Says:

    You may want to look into getting a dental PPO plan that in maybe most states. Dental insurance is really meant for the state that you live in but sometimes if you have an emergence you can use it in the state you are in. Just read the plan terms and condition to make sure.

  3. Matt S Says:

    I travel a lot too and really only found that a dental discount plan work the best for me. I only had to wait to get back home to see the dentist once because where I was at had no dental offices. Hard to say depending on where you are at. However most times I use it when I am home anyway.

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