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Looking for the best HMO dental insurance plan for an Individual

Thursday, Aug. 19th 2010 8:11 AM

I have been shopping out dental insurance and made a decision to get a HMO dental insurance plan since they do not seem to have any waiting periods like PPOs dental plans I have seen.  Since I decided that I am now just wanting to know what is the best HMO dental insurance plan to get.  Oh and I live in California if that helps

Posted on Thursday, Aug. 19th 2010 8:11 AM | by admin | in Dental Insurance | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “

Looking for the best HMO dental insurance plan for an Individual

  1. Andrew Gollab Says:

    In California we offer five really good HMO dental insurance plans offer though Golden West dental, Pacificare, and Dental dental.

    When reviewing the plans what you want to compare is the fee schedule for the dental services listed and the dentist that are in the plan network.

    Comparing coverages will help you decide what you think will be the better plan for you. But just important are the dental providers. One plan my look good but not have any providers or providers you want to go to. Call the dentist and confirm they are still accepting the plan you are reviewing. Then anything that may be important to you in wanting to choice that dental office.

  2. Gena Gray Says:

    I got the Pacificare dental plan and have had it now for over ten years. Since I am single it only cost me $15.50 a month. I get my two free cleaning and X-rays I also get no charge for any office visits or oral exams.

    In the ten + years I have it the most costly thing I had to have done was a crown and that still was under $200.00. A friend of mine has Delta dental PPO plan though her spouse job and it cost her $600.00 for the same type of crown.

  3. Benson Jeffy's Says:

    They are all good companies what is best for you is up to you to decide. You really can not go wrong with any of the HMO plans that are available to you.

    The first time you use the plan it has more the paid for itself. I really think that it just comes down to the dentist that may be taking the plan and in finding the one you think will work the best for you. So make sure you call the plan providers and get a feel for them. You have time to do this and it so worth the effort.

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