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Dental care, Brownish Blackish teeth need help

Sunday, Nov. 21st 2010 8:01 AM

My little sister never really took care of her teeth.  She does not have dental insurance and although she works she does not have much extra money.  I am not sure why she been putting of her teeth for so long but the fact is a few of the front teeth have brownish/blackish spots on them.

They just really look bad and has to work with people at her job.  She is at the point where she like to see a dentist but still says she can not afford to go.  I like to help her but I am not going to pay for her to go to the dentist.   However if there are any useful suggestions you can give me so I can pass them on to her.  She alway taking about how bad her teeth are and how she want to fix then.

Posted on Sunday, Nov. 21st 2010 8:01 AM | by admin | in Dental Help | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “

Dental care, Brownish Blackish teeth need help

  1. Gale Says:

    Well you can give your sister advise but it will be up to her to follow though. So do not get too upset if nothing comes from this.

    I would suggest that she would want to get some dental insurance in place before going straight to a dentist paying full cost for her dental needs.

    With the way here teeth are now she would want to make sure she gets a dental insurance plan that does not have waiting periods of very little waiting periods. Something like an HMO dental insurance plan may work best.

    By getting dental insurance she will be able to make the cost of her dental needs much less and hopefully more affordable for her.

  2. Steve Says:

    Well even if you do not have much money there is no reason to let your teeth go to the point that they are turning brown.

    Toothpaste and floss does not cost all that much and had she takening better care of her teeth she would not be needing costly dental services now.

    If it was my sister I would just stay out of it and let her continue with what she wants to do. However if she really now wants to take care of her teeth and has no money in which to do so.

    Advise her to look into dental schools or dental clinics as a lower cost dental option.

  3. Betty Says:

    With what you said your sister teeth look like the dental care that she may need to fix them is going to be costly. She is going to want to reduce that cost any way she can.

    One way is by getting a dental discount plan. Since a dental discount plan starts within the next business day from the order she would be able to see a dentist in the plan network without having any waiting periods for dental services. This way getting the discounted prices for her dental needs.

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